What Does a Private Duty Nurse in McAllen Do? - Happy Valley Home Care
What Does a Private Duty Nurse in McAllen Do?

What Does a Private Duty Nurse in McAllen Do?

Like many people out there, you most likely aren’t familiar with the many types of nursing care there are in the medical field. Private duty nursing is one of those. This type of nursing, also known as PDN, provides a unique type of care. What that is and what exactly these nurses do are two topics that we’d like to cover below. Check it out!

What do PDNs Do?

Like we mentioned before, private duty nursing in McAllen is a unique career that offers a unique level of care. They’re a type of registered nurse (RN) that specializes in working individually with a patient and their family. PDNs also typically provide 24-hour care.

Our private duty nurses in McAllen specialize in working with individuals under the age of 21 suffering from medical conditions that leave them incapacitated. This can include diseases or physical injuries/limitations. The ultimate goal of a PDN is to provide the highest level of compassionate care, thereby offering medical assistance so that a patient remains comfortable at home.

Our Private Duty Nurses in McAllen

PDNs are usually hired by a family or are provided by a medical facility or agency (like ours). In most cases, a young patient’s family will receive a referral for a PDN by a doctor. From there, the family will reach out to us with their concerns and needs and we will move forward in the process of assigning one or more PDNs to help you.

During care, you can expect the following:

Of course, our private duty nurses in McAllen can provide further levels or more stringent care as the situation requires.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you’d like more information about our services or what our private duty nurses in McAllen can do for your child, then contact us today!