3 Factors to Consider from Private Duty Nursing Services in McAllen - Happy Valley Home Care
Private Duty Nursing Services in McAllen

3 Factors to Consider from Private Duty Nursing Services in McAllen

Your child’s well-being and comfort are priorities in every parent’s life. At Happy Valley Home Care, we understand entrusting us with our (PDN) Private Duty Nursing services in McAllen care is a significant situation that often comes with its fair share of anxiety. However, there are several steps we can take together to help you feel as comfortable as possible. 

Meet PDN Nurses in McAllen

Before we begin your child’s PDN services in McAllen, it’s essential to arrange a meeting where you can meet with the private duty nurse that will provide care. This will be a perfect opportunity to ask questions, discuss your child’s needs, and establish a closer relationship with the nurse. 

We Create a Thorough Care Guide with You

As the parent, you have every right to provide requests, instructions, or expectations surrounding your child’s PDN needs. Doing so will help our team further understand your child’s condition, daily routine, and other relevant information. 

We offer several care options for versatile care, including:


Communication is Key

Regarding your child’s care, the communication we establish can be paramount for their well-being. We can’t stress this enough: effective communication is essential for building trust and ensuring your child receives the best care possible. Be open about your expectations, concerns, and any changes in your child’s condition.

Private Duty Nursing Services in McAllen

Your child deserves compassionate care, and you deserve the peace of mind. Happy Valley Home Care in McAllen is here to provide both. If you have any questions about our PDN services, please contact us. Our team is available to provide the answers you need.