3 Steps to Ask Before Hiring PHC Services in McAllen - Happy Valley Home Care
PHC Services in McAllen

3 Steps to Ask Before Hiring PHC Services in McAllen

At Happy Valley Home Care, we pride ourselves in doing everything possible to ensure your older loved ones are as comfortable as can be with our PHC services in McAllen. This includes emphasizing your role as their family member. Whether you’re providing feedback, asking questions, or keeping a watchful eye over their care, your input can go a long way in helping us maximize our efforts. Here is what you can do now.

Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the care your loved one receives. Ask about the our primary home care’s qualifications. Our team is prepared to answer:

  • The types of experience we have. 
  • The type of care provided and scheduling.
  • How the caregiver will communicate with you about your loved one’s health and well-being. 


Trust us, no question is dismissible, so feel free to send any query. 

Be Involved

Stay involved in your loved one’s care by communicating regularly with our primary home care providers. If there are any appointments scheduled, feel free to join with your loved one, ask for updates on their health, and address any concerns or issues that arise promptly.

Create a List

As you start to build routine with your loved and their provider, it is a good idea to create a list of possible concerns. Feel free to ask your provider:

  • How do I prepare my home for a primary home care provider?
  • What safety precautions should my family and I implement daily?
  • Are there any recommendations or changes they PHC staff has for your loved one?


Monitor the Care

The best way to provide your valuable opinion to our staff is by staying current with the care your loved one received. If there are any doubts or concerns, please let us know immediately. Our goal is to do everything possible to enhance their comfort, and we know that your input can be essential in helping us get there. 

Get Reliable PHC Services in McAllen

If you’ve been searching for PHC services in McAllen for your loved one, let Happy Valley Home Care address your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services.