Home Care 101: What is Primary Home Care? - Happy Valley Home Care
Primary Home Care

Home Care 101: What is Primary Home Care?

Do you have a loved one that’s recently been granted primary home care (PHC) services by their physician? If so, then you’ve more than likely received an overall idea of what the program involves. If you haven’t, then Happy Valley Home Care is here to provide all of the information you need.

We offer primary home care and private duty nursing, and our team knows how to treat patients and clients: with respect, dignity, and compassion. Read on to learn more about what PHC is and how it can help your loved one.

What it Is

Our McAllen primary home care services involve professional caregivers assisting clients with everyday home-based activities. These can include:

  • Basic house cleaning
  • Bathing and grooming
  • Meal preparation
  • Laundry
  • And much more


Understandably, there may come a time in one’s life where assistance with these simple activities will be needed. However, old age isn’t the only factor that plays into the need for primary home care services in McAllen. Serious injuries or illnesses that result in a handicap can leave a person relying on assisted living.

Happy Valley Home Care is more than happy to help! In fact, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, an average of 32,500 people require this service per month. So, if your loved one is in need of assisted living, then we want to help.

Find Out More About Primary Home Care Services in McAllen!

If you’d like to learn more about our primary home care service and how it can benefit your loved one, then contact Happy Valley Home Care today! We’ll go over all of your concerns and provide peace of mind when you and your family need it most.