Private Duty Nursing Specialists in McAllen - Happy Valley Home Care
Private Duty Nursing Specialists

Private Duty Nursing Specialists in McAllen

As a parent, transitioning from hospital to home can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. In times like this, the professionalism and care of our Private Duty Nursing specialists in McAllen can make a difference in your little one’s life.

PDN services offer valuable support that ensures a smooth and safe transition while providing specialized care in the comfort of your home. Our experts want to share the importance of PDN in the transition process and discuss the benefits for patients and families alike.

Care Continuity

When a child with medical needs is discharged from a hospital, maintaining continuity of specialized care is vital, and PDN services are designed to bridge that gap. The cover areas such as:

  • Skilled nursing intervention where PDNs can administer medications, handle medical equipment, perform treatments, and monitor vital signs as per your child’s medical team.
  • Pediatric expertise with a wide range of pediatric conditions along with their medical needs.
  • Collaborating closely with a child’s healthcare team ensures effective communication and coordination.



Unfortunately, the transition from hospital to home can pose specific challenges. Fortunately PDNs are there to maintain safety and stability. They monitor your child closely, are experienced in managing medical equipment, and are properly equipped to handle emergencies quickly and effectively.

Quality of Life

Above all, PDNs are there to significantly improve a pediatric patient’s quality of life and that of their loved ones. Caring for a child and handling their safety and well-being allow families to spend quality time together. We also offer the following services:


Private Duty Nursing Specialists

At Happy Valley Home Care in McAllen, we understand considering PDN services for your child is stressful and overwhelming. As you navigate options for your child and your entire family, we want to remind you that you don’t have to go at it alone. We’re always available to discuss any concerns you may have. Contact us today for more information about our services.