What Do Private Duty Nurses in McAllen Do? - Happy Valley Home Care
private duty nurse in McAllen

What Do Private Duty Nurses in McAllen Do?

Hearing from your child’s pediatrician that you may want to consider a private duty nurse (PDN) could potentially overwhelm or worry you. You’ll likely wonder what it is they do and even question if they truly have what it takes to care for your child’s wellbeing. We understand these questions and doubts are normal, which is why we want to try our best to provide all the information you need. If you need a enfermera privada, in McAllen, here are a few things you should know. 

Get to Know Your PDN

A private duty nurse is a registered nurse (RN) or licensed vocational nurse (LVN). This means they’re fully trained and equipped to work on a one-on-one basis with patients at their home as opposed to the confines of a hospital. In most cases, services of this nature are ordered by a doctor when a client requires continuous care as a result of illnesses, injuries, or other medical situations.

Treatments offered by PDNs generally include:


As a parent, we know you would only trust a professional to handle services of this nature. Rest assured, PDNs are talented and knowledgeable professionals ready to perform their jobs at all times. Additionally, a PDNs ability to provide 24-hour care means parents will be able to continue their full-time jobs and tend to other important responsibilities.

Find the Right Private Duty Nurse in McAllen

If your child is in need of PDN, Happy Valley Home Care in McAllen can provide the expertise, care, support, and personal approach you need. Contáctenos hoy to learn more about what we can do for you.